"DIMANA Boomerangs" are designed and manufactured by
Aeronautical engineer
Sailplain and UL pilot
Hang-glider and ultra-light aircraft designer
President of the Bulgarian Boomerang Club (since 1991)
Author of “Boomerang Puzzle” (1998, 222 pages in English)
This site is only a presentation of DIMANA Hi-Tech composite Boomerangs :
competition composite boomerangs for the MTA event (Maximum Time Aloft) and composite Hunting Stick (Kylie).
But other DIMANA top-level competition Boomerangs are avaible :
for the Aussie Round event :
"ATLAS 6" (shape of the Swiss aussie round record),"FANTASY XX", "FANTASY XXII", "AUTOGRAPH"
for the MTA event :
For the Trick Catch event: ESSENCE
(since 15.02.03 in Ted’s Catalog)
those models are avaible on Ted Bailey's website :

If you would like to know more about DIMANA Boomerangs , don't hesit to write me !

if you want to see more photos of my composite boomerangs :
to find the BOOMPLANS of my best models from 1992 to 2003 please visit the web-site of my German friend Klaus-Dieter Franke :

you need more informations about the boomerang community ???
my boomerang-friend's webpages :
Pierre Kutek's (Marseille, F) Crazy Boomerangs
websites index : http://www.kutek.net/

Pierre's "Crazy Boomerangs Production"
Ted Bailey (Ann Arbor,USA) flight-toys site
Gerhard Bertling (Berlin,G) website

look at gerhard's wonderfull laminate boomerangs : http://www.bumerangs.de/html/gal_gb.html
you must absolutly watch the beautyfull art boomerangs of Uwe Hast (Kiel,G)
Klaus-Dieter Franke's "Bumerang Fibel" Webpage